| Istituto Giordano

ComplaintDemonstration of dissatisfaction which is written by the customer or other parts interested to the offered and/or received service
AppealOfficial action of the certified or certifying entity (client) with the aim of requesting the revision of a decision about the certification (for example: suspension, revocation or reduction, non-concession, ecc..) taken by Istituto Giordano as a Body of Certification. The appeal is a right of the customer
ComplaintWritten request addressed to the responsible of the competent Service. The analysis of the claim, the definition of the treatment proposal and eventual corrective actions, is carried out by the staff involved in activities.
The re-examination and the approval of results to be communicated to the claimant, are realized by people that are different from those who have been involved in activities/services object of complaint
For Laboratory Services
  • Responsible of competent Service/Section-Laboratory ;
If the Responsible of Service/Laboratory- Section has been involved in activities/services object of complaint (or if it isn’t solved with the claimant satisfaction) the re-examination and approval of results is realized by DCT/Laboratory Resp.
For certification Services:
  • Technical Director of the competent Certification Div.
If the Technical Director has been involved in certification activities object of the complaint (or if it isn’t solved with the claimant satisfaction) the result re-examination and approval are realized by the General Director.
For all services:
The Managing Director, if it isn’t solved with the claimant satisfaction by Laboratory Resp./DCT/ General Dir.
AppealWritten request from the organization, addressed to Istituto Giordano, presenting the reasons for the dissent with explicit reference to this paragraph of General Contract Conditions for Certification (CGC)/applicable certification regulation, within 30 days from the date of notification of decision. Istituto Giordano examines the appeal within two months of its submission and communicates the results and any consequent actions to the organization and interested functions of Istituto Giordano. Every expense related to the appeal, remains under the responsibility of the organization except in cases of recognized validity. The appeal doesn’t interrupt the enforceability of the decision taken by Istituto Giordano until a possible different pronouncement following the examination of the appeal.The General director of Istituto Giordano and a Member of the Committee for the Safeguard of impartiality (CSI) that has not taken part to the check, in the field of works provided by CSI, of the certification procedure of the organization, object of appeal
Notes (*) the Re-examination and results acceptance (causes, treatment and eventual corrective actions) are realized by people that are different from those who have been involved in the service/themes which is object of claim; similarly, the appeal is analyzed by people, who are different from those who have realized the evaluation/ tests/ inspections and taken the decision of certification.
Address the APPEALS, according to competence, to :
Technical Director of Certification Division Management Systems
Tel: 0541 - 343030
Fax: 0541 – 345540
Email: reclamicertificazione@giordano.it

Technical Director of  Products Certification Division
Tel 0541 – 3222322
Fax: 0541 – 345540  

Technical Central Management (MCT) for Laboratory activities
Tel: 0541 - 343296
Fax: 0541 – 345540
Email: reclamicertificazione@giordano.it

Address the APPEALS to:
General director of Istituto Giordano
Tel 0541 – 322280
Fax: 0541 – 345540
E-mail: ngiordano@giordano.it
Before you press an Appeal or a Complaint, we Inform You that :
  • Message texts in anonymous form won’t be accepted, in order to avoid  making complaints or appeals for speculative purposes of disrupting competition. The veracity of entered data will be checked.
  • The protection of personal data of all subjects, who used the service of complaint and appeal is guaranteed and in the treatment  the anonymity is guaranteed, where the subject want it to request.
  • Before we forward the complaint/appeal, it’s recommended to be sure that it is underlined a behavior/service (test, calibration, Certification) which is conducted by Istituto Giordano or which regards its customers that have got certifications ( actually referable to what is certified); we invite you then, to take a vision, before you forward the message, to our Databases https://www.giordano.it/2c-72-albo-dei-sistemi-degli-impianti-e-dei-prodotti-registraticertificati.php.
  • Istituto Giordano will follow up to reached complaint/appeals, which regards their conducted functions/services, and to claims, which regards its clients in possession of certifications, actually referable to what is certified.
As it is established in the applicable internal procedures, Istituto makes an effort  to give always a feedback to complaints and claims carried out by customers, their associations with their protection and in general  to interested parts, using communication systems, which are suitable and timely ( fax,email, ecc..)

Istituto Giordano will inform the organization (in written form) that it has received the complaint/appeal and it will indicate the name and the function of the person who will manage the complaint/appeal and the time ( not over two months from the receipt) within it will give a feedback about it. Moreover, the interested organization, will be informed about managements modalities, guaranteeing accessibility to information and assistance.

In every case the Istituto staff will employ in order to manage complaints or appeals, showing the best collaboration and using measures according to own competence, the opportune actions for the resolution, and also the appropriate corrective actions, always guaranteeing Impartiality, Equity, Privacy, Completeness and Sensitivity.

The Claimer is always be revised about the conducted activities for the complaint/appeal  management and their results, giving him, where is requested and suitable, reports about the progress status and results.