In our
Chemical Analysis Lab are followed the issues relating to environmental pollution (analysis of water, emissions into the atmosphere, waste, assessment of the healthiness of workplaces, etc..)
Click here in order to browse the general list of ACCREDIA-accredited tests:
MAIN ACTIVITIES- Chemistry analysis on soil and excavating rocks for classification according to D. Lvo. 4/08, modify of D.Lgs. 152/2006
- Analysis of water ( drinking, waste and process water ) ex D.Lgs 152/2006
- Analysis of characterisation and assignment of CER codes on refuse
- Characterisation of wood pellet according to UNI/TS 11263:2007
- Classification of RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) according to UNI 9903
- Sampling and analysis of gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere
- Sampling and analysis of heavy metals and asbestos in workplaces according to D.I 277/91
- Sampling and analysis of free, crystalline silica
- Control of global and specific migration on food containers, Decree of 6 April 2004, n°174 and UNI EN 1186-1 of 2003
- Determination of asbestos content on materials and asbestos exposure risk Assessment according to Ministerial Decree 06 September 1994
- Control for CE marking on toys
- Release of nickel from articles that are in direct and prolonged contact with human skin, UNI EN 1811
- Chemical analysis on materials according to Directive ROHS 2002/95/ EC of 27/01/2003
- Analysis on volatile organic compounds (VOC or COV) – UNI EN ISO 16000-9
- Emission test of Formaldehyde according to UNI EN 717-1, UNI EN 717-2 and UNI EN 717-3.