The Laboratory is equipped with an instrumental park capable of performing a wide range of tests and it is notifed for initial type tests for the purpose of CE marking according to the (EU) 305/2011 (CPR) Regulation.
All the experimental activity, rigorously follows standards suggested by the main international regulatory bodies like UNI, EN, ISO, DIN, NF, BSI, ASTM and tests performed under the CPR 3 System regime are ACCREDIA accredited, with reference to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”.
Click here in order to browse the general list of ACCREDIA-accredited tests:
The laboratory works mainly on three sectors:
- Photometric and colorimetric characterization of light sources and road signs
The main regulatory references adopted are:
- EN 12368 “Traffic control equipment. Signal heads”
- EN 12352 “Traffic control equipment. Warning and safety light devices”.
- EN 12966-1 “ Road vertical signs. Variable message traffic signs. Part 1: Product standard.”
- EN 12899 “ Permanent road vertical signs “
In addition, the laboratory carries out tests according to IALA standard for the marine signage and the EN 13032 regulation for illuminating bodies in general.
- Optic characterization of materials
The main tests performed are:
- Solar and light characteristics and thermal transmittance of the glass and various materials (alveolar sheets, corrugated sheets, solar shields, film) according to EN 410 and EN 673;
- Solar reflection index (SRI) (ASTM E1980 – see the LEED certification) of outside flooring materials and flat coverings;
- Thermal and visual comfort of fabrics, sunscreens and blackout closures (EN 14501) – It includes the calculation of Gtot value, which is necessary for obtaining tax deductions with ENEA practice.
- Transmission, reflections and absorption measures in the UV/VIS/NIR/IR range (250 nm – 50 μm);
- Colour and colour difference on glasses, plastic materials and coloured surfaces.
- Hemispheric emission measurement according to ASTM C 1371
- Normal emission measurement of specular samples (e.g. coating on glazing) according to EN 12898.
- HAZE measure ( hazing ) according to the ASTM D 1003 regulation on transparent materials;
- Optic characteristics of railway windscreens.
- Evaluation of the resistance of materials to environmental aging through the variation of optical properties.
- On site testing for the measurement of the daylight factor (D.M. 5/7/1975), of light levels in workplaces (D.lgs. 81/2008, EN 12464) and optic performances of horizontal(EN 1436) and vertical (EN 12899) road signage.
Main Equipment- Self-constructed goniometer in order to test the angular variability of the source-observer system
- Spotlight with different temperatures of color (6000 K and 3200 K)
- Spectroradiometer (range 190nm ~ 930nm) with accessories for sources measurement
- Luminancemeter – Portable colourimeter;
- Portable luxmeter;
- Flashmeter for flashing sources
- Integrated sphere with 1m and 1,9m of diameter.
- Double-ray UV/VIS/NIR (250 – 2500 nm)) spectrophotometer
- Double-ray FT-IR (2 μm ~ 50 μm);
- Portable emissimeter (3 μm - 30 μm);
- Portable spectrophotometer (400 – 700 nm)
- Integrated sphere with 1m of diameter.
- Retroreflectometers for quality control of horizontal