This section about
Metallurgical Testing Lab carries out testing on crystalline structures and the morphology of metallic materials which facilitates an understanding of the physical and technological properties of these materials: fundamental both in research and innovation and product
verification, control and certification.
Click here in order to browse the general list of ACCREDIA-accredited tests:
Main activities of our Metallurgical Testing Lab:
Hardness metallurgical testing
- Rockwell hardness
- Brinell hardness
- Vickers hardness
- Vickers microhardness
- Shore A and D hardness
- Barcol hardness
Test of cut and hole processes according to EN 1090-2
Prevention control. Verification of:
- Metal alloys and their characteristics;
- Conformity of raw materials to current standards or contractual requirements
Failure analysis:
- Tests for determination of break causes;
- Tests for determination of corrosion causes;
- Technical reports about break and corrosion causes
Determination of chemical composition and designation of metal alloys:
- Carbon steel
- Low and medium alloy steel
- Cast iron
- Stainless steel
- Aluminium and aluminium alloys
- Copper and copper alloys
Examination of protective layers (Hot-Dip-Coating), anodizing etc. Verification of:
- Thickness (gravimetric, magnetic or optic)
- Quality (uniformity, adherence etc. according to product standards)
Metallographic Study of Heat Treatments and Surface Hardening:
- Cementation
- Nitriding
- Hardening
Weld Inspections:
- Macroscopic analysis
- Microscopic analysis;
- Hardness tests;
- Mechanical tests (tensile, bending, impact).
Non-destructive tests (NDT):
- Penetrating liquids
- Magnetic crack detection
- Ultrasound
- Radiographies
- Thermal quantometer ARL 3460
- Nikon Optiphot-2 optic microscope
- Microhardness tester
- Durometer for Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers, Shore and Barcol durometer
- Zeiss electronic microscope