Salt spray test, aging tests.
Armando Ciccione

Armando Ciccione
Tel. 0541 322.346

Chemistry of materials

In our Chemical Analysis Lab are carried out analyzes and characterizations on all types of materials, especially those subjected to CE marking following Regulation (EU) 305/2011 (CPR).
Another important sector of the section is the study of the life cycle through accelerated aging in WEATHEROMETER, in the salt spray chamber, in the KESTERNICH chamber (Resistance to humid atmospheres containing sulfur dioxide), in the humidostatic and UV-condensation chamber.

Click here in order to browse the general list of ACCREDIA-accredited tests:

  • Analysis of water used for the preparation of concrete according to UNI EN 1008.
  • Initial type testing for CE marking:
            - additives for concrete (UNI EN 934-2:2002);  
            - reaction resin adesive for tiles (UNI EN 12004:2003);
            - hinges (UNI EN 1935:2004);
            - panic exit devices for emergency exits on escape routes (UNI EN 1125:2008);
            - variable message traffic signs (UNI CEI EN 12966-1)
            - controlled door closing devices (UNI EN 1154:2003);
  • KESTERNICH test – resistance to humid environments containing sulphur dioxide according to UNI EN ISO 3231 (Paints) UNI EN 13919 (Stone) - UNI EN ISO 105/N05 (Textiles) UNI EN ISO 6988 (Inorganic metallic coverings)
  • Tests on paints:  hardness (Bucholz indentation test according to UNI EN ISO 2815), TABER abrasion and wear test (UNI 1050/UNI 9550) for flooring in sports facilities/gymnasiums UNI 10559 paints / UNI 8298 Part 9 resinous coating for flooring ASTM D4060 paints / UNI EN 438 decorative laminates UNI 9115 furniture / UNI ENV 13696 for parquet and wood floors) Adherence to substrate using Pull Off Test on resinous and resilient floor coverings (ISO 4624 - UNI EN 24624- ASTM D4541 - UNI 8298, Determination of resistance to chemical agents (UNI 8298/4).
  • Accelerated ageing in WEATHEROMETER chamber with water-cooled Xeno lamp, 6500 W.
  • Variable message panels for galleries- UNI CEI EN 12966 Accelerated Corrosion in salt haze Chamber A;
  • Accelerated ageing in WEATHEROMETER Chamber with water-cooled Xeno Lamp, 6500 W ( ASTM G26; ASTM D256; ASTM G155; UNI EN ISO 4892-2; UNI 10211; UNI 9427; UNI 7639; ISO 105 B102, UNI 4529 Anodized and painted aluminium)
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