Acoustic Vibration Analysis | Istituto Giordano
Andrea Cucchi

Andrea Cucchi
Tel. 0541 322.329

Acoustic Vibration Analysis

The laboratory uses hi-tech equipment and its staff consists of technicians with the qualification of Technical Expert in Acoustics who take part in many working groups of the UNI acoustic commission.

The acoustics vibration testing  closely follows the standards recommended by the main international standards bodies like UNI, EN, ISO, DIN, NF, BSI and ASTM.

The Laboratory appears on the list of notified bodies by the European Commission that are authorised to perform initial type testing for CE marking for the purposes of the Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (CPR) and it is accredited by ACCREDIA, according to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, for laboratory tests regarding airborne and impact sound insulation, sound absorption and power sound.

Click here in order to browse the general list of ACCREDIA-accredited tests:
  • Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of horizontal and vertical building elements and small elements in accordance with standards UNI EN ISO 10140-2 and ASTM E90
  • Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of road traffic noise reducing barriers in accordance with standards UNI EN 1793-2 and 1793-3 and noise barriers installed along railways in accordance with standards UNI EN 16272-2 and UNI EN 16272-3-1;
  • Laboratory measurement of the reduction of impact sound transmitted by floor coverings on a heavyweight reference floor in accordance with UNI EN ISO 10140-3 standard
  • Laboratory measurement of flanking transmission of airborne and impact sound of raised access floors and/or suspended ceilings in accordance with standard UNI EN ISO 10848-2;
  • Determination of the sound absorption in a reverberation room in accordance with standards UNI EN ISO 354 and ASTM C423;
  • Determination of sound absorption in a reverberation room of road traffic noise reducing barriers in accordance with standards UNI EN 1793-1 and 1793-3 and noise barriers installed along railways in accordance with standards UNI EN 16272-1 and UNI EN 16272-3-1;
  • Measurement in a reverberation room of the sound intensity level according to UNI EN ISO 3741 standard;
  • Determination of sound insulation of cabs according to UNI EN ISO 11957 and ISO 23351-1;
  • Determination of sound absorption coefficient and reflection factor in impedance tubes (kundt tube), according to UNI EN ISO 10534-2:2001;
  • Measurement of dynamic rigidity (UNI EN 9052-1)
  • Measurement of flow resistance (UNI EN 9053);
  • Measurement on site of passive sounds requirements of buildings (D.P.C.M 05/12/1997) and of the damage caused by vibrations (UNI 9614 and UNI 9916).
  • Laboratory measurement of the increase in airborne sound insulation of heavy/light normalized floor coverings and heavy/light normalized wall coverings according to the UNI EN ISO 10140-2 standard;
  • Laboratory measurement of heavy rain noise on coverings and covering elements according to UNI EN ISO 10140-1 and UNI EN ISO 10140-5;
  • Laboratory measurement of radiated noise by floor coverings on heavy normalized floor (UNI EN 16205);
  • Laboratory measurement of the impact sound insulation of floors according to the ASTM E492 standard;
  • Laboratory measurement of noise transmitted and radiated by plumbing systems (UNI EN 14366)
  • Measurement in a reverberation room of the static and dynamic sound attenuation and of endogenous noise of silencers (UNI EN ISO 7235);
  • Measurement in a reverberant room of the sound power generated and transmitted by aeraulic elements according to the standard (UNI EN ISO 5135)
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