We are a leading player in product certification, with 30 years of experience in the field of
fire resistance test. We do not sell tests, but certify and qualify materials and products, providing our customers with comprehensive assistance.
You can attend
experimental fire resistance test on your product; our qualified engineers and technicians will help you with development and certification procedures.
Careful handling and updating of equipment, our staff’s membership in NB-CPR SH02, EGOLF, UNI, CEN, IEC, CEI, CENELEC and MED technical teams,
ACCREDIA accreditation and our regular participation in interlaboratory comparisons are an additional guarantee of the quality of the service offered.
Reaction to fire testing: all the cases
fire resistance test reports are valid:
- for certification in the Middle East, as we are the only Italian laboratory approved by the UAE Civil Defence;
- for CE marking pursuant to Regulation 305/2011 (CPR);
- for shipping and MED certification;
- for Italian Fire Prevention Certification pursuant to Ministerial Decree dated 26/06/84 as amended and supplemented.
Which ACCREDIA-accredited tests does this department perform? Browse the general list
Reaction to fire testing: main activities
- Reaction to fire of furnishing and construction materials pursuant to Ministerial Decree dated 26/06/84 (Ministry of the Interior Authorisation dated 21/03/1986)
- Reaction to fire of construction products pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011
- Fire behaviour of roofs/roof coverings in accordance with UNI CEN/TS 1187 and UNI EN 13501-5
- Reaction to fire of manufactured products and systems pursuant to the Marine Equipment Directive (MED) in accordance with procedures laid down by IMO Resolutions (FTP Code)
- Reaction to fire of furnishing and construction materials pursuant to AFNOR, BS, DIN, EN, ISO, UNI, UL and other standards
- Fire reaction of railway materials and equipment according to EN 45545
- Determination of the optical density of smoke and gas toxicity analysis pursuant to AFNOR, BS, ISO, ATS and other standards
- Durability and fire resistance testing in accordance with ETAG 028 and CEN TS 15912
Main equipment- SBI equipment (UNI EN 13823) for tests on construction products
- ISO oven (UNI EN ISO 1182) for tests of non-combustibility on construction products
- Floors radiative panel (UNI EN ISO 9239-1) for tests on construction products used on the floor
- Small European flame (UNI EN ISO 11925-2) for inflammability tests on construction products
- Mahler bomb for the determination of calorific power (UNI EN ISO 1716)
- Radiative italian panel (UNI 9174) for tests with radiative heat
- Small Italian flame (UNI 8456/8457) for small flame tests
- Combustion chamber with acquisition system and FT-IR analyzer for determining the optical density and toxicity of smoke (ISO 5659-2; EN 17084) for materials used in the naval and railway sectors (FTP CODE 2010; EN 45545-2).
- System for determining the Oxygen Index of plastic materials (ISO 4589-2).
- IMO radiant panel for assessing surface flame spread (ISO 5658-2) for materials used in the naval and railway sectors (FTP CODE 2010; EN 45545-2).
- Testing equipment for roofs exposed to external fire BROOF t2, t3, t4 (CEN/TS 1187).
- Cone calorimeter for determining the heat release rate curve on small-scale samples (ISO 5660-1).
- System for determining the flammability of polymeric materials used in electrical equipment (UL94; EN 60695).
- Horizontal combustion chamber for evaluating the fire behavior of materials used in automotive interiors (ISO 3795).