Fire reaction of construction materials
Giombattista Traina

Giombattista Traina
Tel. 0541 322.349

Fire reaction of construction products

Construction products installed in premises subject to fire-prevention regulations require a fire rating.

In Italy, when the product is covered by a harmonised standard pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (CPR), fire resistance test are performed as specified by standards EN 13501-1 and EN 13501-5 for roofs exposed to external fire.

Alternatively, products are classified according to the provisions of Ministerial Decree dated 26/06/84 as specified by Section 8 or 10, always applying the Euro-classifications, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 14/10/2022, which substantially modified the Ministerial Decree of 26/06/84.

For Euroclasses, standard EN 13501-1 specifies the following test methods to achieve a specific class.
A1EN ISO 1716
EN ISO 1182
A2 s1/2/3 d 0/1/2EN ISO 1716 or EN ISO 1182
EN 13823
B, C, D, s 1/2/3 d 0, 1, 2EN ISO11925-2
EN 13823
E/FEN ISO 11925-2

Standard EN 13501-5 provides 4 methods, referred to in CEN/TS 1187, to determine the external fire performance of a roof/roof covering.

Istituto Giordano is a notified laboratory for the CPR and accredited by Accredia.

The Italian classification is no longer allowed for construction products.

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