Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) - gas and electrical energy meters | Istituto Giordano
Giuseppe Arcaro

Giuseppe Arcaro
Tel. 0541 322.265

Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) - gas and electrical energy meters

Directive 2004/22/CE

Istituto Giordano was one of Italy's first notified bodies to operate in accordance with Directive 2004/22/EC and, since 21/04/2016, in accordance with Directive 2014/32/EU (Measuring Instruments Directive), more commonly known in the legal metrology field by its acronym “MID”.

Istituto Giordano is a MID Certification Body accredited by ACCREDIA
View all Accreditation Certificates (No. 00019) on the ACCREDIA website.  

In particular, we have been providing services for the following product families since 2009:
  • Volume-type diaphragm gas meters (MID annex MI-002), i.e. domestic gas meters, the standard diaphragm meters found in every home upstream from the gas supply pipe.
  • Active electrical energy meters (MID annex MI-003), i.e. active electrical energy meters intended for residential, commercial and light industrial use.
In addition, in December 2010 we became Italy’s first notified body for this product type.
  • Volume conversion devices (MID annex MI-002).

To obtein the ce certificate of conformity the checks to be performed on products covered by the MID and for which Istituto Giordano is notified are:
  • B – Type examination
  • D – Declaration of conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
  • F – Declaration of conformity to type based on product verification
  • H1 – Declaration of conformity based on full quality assurance plus design examination.

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