Our wood testing laboratory was established in 2003 and handles various operations related to the identification of the
chemical-physical properties of the wood raw material, up to the evaluation of the
mechanical characteristics of the finished product and its derivatives.
With this in mind, the competence of our activities also extends to the
furniture, packaging and biofuel sectors, with studies aimed at reuse (products obtained by recycling the raw material), the determination of the life cycles of wooden artefacts (diagnostics/restoration), and protective treatments applied to wood (varnishes, adhesives, etc.).
The section aims to provide the national and international market with timely answers regarding construction products, all in full accordance with the dictates of the EU directive and CE marking.
In particular, great importance was attached to the knowledge of biology applied to wood for carrying out
diagnostic investigations (pests, decay, etc.).
Our strength lies in our people: technicians participate in the most relevant national and international working tables, contributing to the continuous development of standardisation activities.
At the national (UNI) and European (CEN) level, the department's technicians are members of the following Technical Commissions and related working groups:
- UNI Wood Commission
- UNICHIM Commission “Adhesives for Wood”.

To obtain information about the section, we contacted its manager, Alessandro Trevisani, who has been with the company since the laboratory's inception.
What are the main activities you carry out in the laboratory?
We are mainly concerned with testing the mechanical performance of materials and components from which finished products are made. We also perform diagnostics, durability tests and classification.
We have extensive knowledge of the characteristics of different wood species, wood-based panels and the materials used in related processes (e.g. adhesives). Our expertise also extends to other materials such as plastics or composites (e.g. WPC).
All tests are carried out in accordance with national, European and international technical standards. In this department, we are also able to set up ad-hoc test methods to test particular products and semi-finished products made perhaps from a combination of different materials.
Examples of tested materials and products:- Wood
- Particle Panels
- Fibre Panels
- Plywood panels
- Composite materials
- Glued laminated timber
- Solid wood panels
- Adhesives & Bonding
- Fabrics and Skins
- Glasses
- Paper and cardboard
- Hardware, Components and Accessory Materials
- Flooring
- Stairs
Every day we expand the range of products we are able to test thanks to the requests of our customer companies.
What instruments are used to perform the tests?
In the laboratory, we use dynamometers, scales and climatic chambers. On-site, mainly the human “eye”.
Here are some of the main equipment we use:- Universal flexure/compression testing machines capable of accommodating specimens up to 16 metres in length
- Thermohumidistatic chambers with an operating range of -40°C to +300°C with humidity control over the entire range
- Environmental simulators for ageing.
There are many regulations governing testing activities, but we are often asked to intervene in litigation or for particular needs that require ad hoc testing. For this reason, the design of the test equipment is also often made according to the customer's specific requirements.
Visit the dedicated page for further details.