Istituto Giordano is a Notified Body as specified by Ministerial Decree No. 186 dated 7th November 2017 and can therefore issue environmental certification for heat generators, test Customer appliances in accordance with the methods given in Table 2 of the Decree in question or
adopt the tests performed using the same methods in other European Union countries and assign the relative environmental certification.
This recent Decree No. 186 dated 7
th November 2017 issued by the Ministry for the Environment has introduced
environmental certification of heat generators fired by solid biomass fuels.
This certification option regards:
Domestic heat generators falling within the scope of Construction Products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011:
- closed fireplaces, wood-burning insets: UNI EN 13229 - Inset appliances including open fires fired by solid fuels - Requirements and test methods;
- open fires: UNI EN 13229 - Inset appliances including open fires fired by solid fuels - Requirements and test methods;
- wood-burning room heaters: UNI EN 13240 - Roomheaters fired by solid fuel - Requirements and test methods;
- storage heaters: UNI EN 15250 - Slow heat release appliances fired by solid fuel - Requirements and test methods;
- wood-burning cookers: UNI EN 12815 - Residential cookers fired by solid fuel - Requirements and test methods;
- pellet-burning heaters, insets and cookers - heating appliances: UNI EN 14785 - Residential space heating appliances fired by wood pellets - Requirements and test methods.
Boilers installed in a boiler room with nominal output of up to 500 kW, falling within the scope of the Machinery Directive and covered by UNI EN 303-5 – Heating boilers - Part 5: Heating boilers for solid fuels, manually and automatically stoked, nominal heat output of up to 500 kW - Terminology, requirements, testing and marking.
Currently, in the regions of the Po Valley, a heat generator will require at least a “
3 star” quality class rating in order to be utilised in alternative heating systems or when faced with critical air pollutant concentration levels.
Furthermore, in the coming months these regions have promised to adopt measures that for an initial period will prevent the continuing use of heat generators with less than a “2 star” quality class rating and the installation of generators with less than a “3 star” quality class rating. Even stricter measures are due to be introduced in January 2020.
For further details and to assess your options, please contact our technical staff
Antonietta Serra: 0541-322369 -
Luca Bonini: 0541-322269
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Heat Transfer Engineering Department